Docete Omnes
“The Docete Omnes Foundation is a large, non-profit organisation in Spain focused on education and social care. Founded by Ministerial Order, their diverse work includes several key areas. The Blanca Paloma Vocational Training School provides both traditional vocational training and courses targeting worker development and social integration. The Complejo Social Padre Villoslada offers an occupational center aiding those with intellectual disabilities and mental illness, along with residences for the elderly and intellectually disabled. Additionally, the Foundation operates sheltered houses for various needs. Long committed to European collaboration, they have a robust Department of European Programs facilitating participation in initiatives like Erasmus and other international projects.”
Celje Youth Center (MCC) is a nonprofit public organisation. Their vision is to successfully respond to the needs of young people and shape the place for socialising, entertainment, creating and gaining new skills and providing international non-formal learning opportunities for young people. Its activities are oriented towards providing information and encouraging participation aiming to gain non-formal competences for youth and foster social engagement and active participation among youth.
European Dialogue (eD) is a civic association raising awareness on European affairs and promoting active citizenship, professional media and art, quality youth work, and media literacy in Slovakia and abroad. Its activities are targeted at young people, young journalists and other media makers, artists and youth workers, including those who face lack of opportunities due to various obstacles, or have not been active in the public sphere yet.
The Future Now Association (TFN) is a Bulgarian youth NGO that works on national and international initiatives, activities, and projects for and with young people and youth workers. TFN supports and promotes democratic values of civil society to protect freedom, dignity, and inclusion of children, young people, and vulnerable groups of society.
Asociația Ofensiva Tinerilor a luat ființă în anul 2004, promovarea valorilor europene fiind parte integrantă a scopului pentru care a fost inființată.Misiunea noastră este de a oferi tinerilor oportunități educaționale accesibile, care să îi ajute să își atingă întregul potențial.